sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

Se acerca la navidad.... VOCABULARIO

Resultado de imagen de NAVIDAD
las vacaciones de Navidad-the Christmas holidays
Nochebuena-Christmas Eve (literally "night good")
día de navidad-Christmas Day
el día de los Santos Inocentes-28th December (similar to April Fool's Day).  On this day you play practical jokes "las inocentadas".  In Ibi (Alicante) locals battle each other with flour. In Velez-Rubio (Almería), a citizen is appointed mayor for the day and has anyone who shows up in the town square arrested and taken off to the local lock-up.
Nochevieja-New Year's Eve (literally "night old")
Año Nuevo-New Year
el día de año nuevo-New Year's Day
la Noche de Reyes-Three Kings Day Eve (5th of January)
la cabalgata de los Reyes Magos-the procession of the three kings.  This is a parade held on 5th of January.
el día de Reyes-Three Kings Day (6th of January)

árbol de Navidad-Christmas tree
regalo de Navidad-Christmas present
adornos de Navidad-Christmas decorations
una corona de Navidad-Christmas wreath
el muérdago-mistletoe
el acebo-holly
flor de Navidad/flor de Pascua (Spain)-poinsettia
la comida del día de Navidad-Christmas dinner
un tarjeta de Navidad, un crismas-a Christmas card
el espumillón-tinsel
la misa del gallo-Midnight mass (literally "mass of the rooster".  It is called this because it is said that the only time a rooster crowed at midnight was on the day that Jesus was born.)
nacimiento-nativity scene
un villancico-Christmas carol
adorno (árbol de Navidad)-Christmas decoration
Baltasar, Gaspar, Melchor-Balthasar, Gaspar, Mechior (3 wise men/3 kings)
los Reyes Magos-the three kings, three wise men
tomar las uvas-eat grapes
un auto de Navidad-a nativity play
¡Feliz Navidad!-Merry Christmas!
¡Felices Fiestas!-Seasons Greetings!
¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!-Merry Christmas and a Happy/Prosperous New Year!
¿Qué te regalaron para Navidad?-What did you get for Christmas?
La Navidad está en puertas-Christmas is just around the corner
el espiritu navideño-the Christmas spirit
los pastores-shepherds
los ángeles-angels
un burro-donkey
Papá Noel-Santa Claus (literally "Father Christmas")

un tronco de Navidad-a Christmas yule log
un pastel de Navidad-a Christmas cake
el pavo-turkey (Pavo Trufado de Navidad - Turkey with Truffles - is a common Christmas day meal)
mantecados-traditional christmas sweet made with almonds
polvorones-traditional christmas sweet made with almonds.   They are also known as "Wedding Cookies".
una rosca de Reyes/un roscón de Reyes-a large, round bun baked for the 6th of January with candied fruits.  Inside is hidden prizes such as coins.
Turrón-a typical Spanish nougat sweet eaten at Christmas

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