off and on | de cuando en cuando |
off base/beam | equivocado |
off color | indispuesto |
off duty | no estar de servicio/guardia |
off guard | desprevenido |
off key | desafinado |
- My computer keeps crashing off and on, I can't work like this.
- The detective's theory about the murder was completely off base.
- Alex was feeling a bit off color so I sent him home to rest.
- I'm off duty tomorrow night, would you like to go out for dinner?
- Mr. Lee caught me off guard when he asked me to do extra hours and I said 'Yes'.
- Do you hear that? The piano is off key again!
off one's chest | desahogarse al confesar algo |
off one's head | mal de la cabeza |
off one's high horse | bajar los humos |
off one's rocker | chiflado |
off season | temporada baja; fuera de temporada |
off side | fuera de juego |
- I can't lie to you anymore. I need to get this off my chest.
- Have you gone off your head? How are you going to do that?
- You're no better than any of us so come off your high horse, will you?
- Mike must be off his rocker if he thinks his plan will work!
- You'll get the tickets at a lower price if you travel off season.
- Keane was off side so the goal was annulled.
off the air | fuera del aire |
off the beaten track | aislado, apartado |
off the cuff | de improviso |
off the deep end | como una fiera |
off the hook | librarse |
off the mark | equivocado |
- Ok, we're off the air now, tell me what brings you to the radio.
- I'm sick of the city. I want to get away, go somewhere off the beaten track.
- Paul didn't know what to say so he made up an explanation off the cuff.
- When I told my ex-husband I was leaving he went off the deep end.
- All right, go home, I'll finish the report, you're off the hook.
- Everyone thought I was off the mark when I said the product would fail.
off the rails | descarrilarse |
off the record | extraoficialmente |
off the top of my head | de improviso |
off the wagon | volver a darse a la bebida |
off the wall | sorprendente e inusual |
off topic | fuera de tema |
off-beat | poco convencional |
- A train went off the rails near Seattle.
- There are many speculations but they're all off the record.
- Whatever I said to you, I said it off the top of my head, I didn't really mean it.
- After two months without a drink, Gus fell off the wagon.
- We need new ideas for the show, something off the wall to attract the audience.
- The essay is quite good but it goes off topic in the end.
- We make an off-beat show, that's why people like it.
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