jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016


Young dolphin dies when it's carried on to the beach for people to stroke and take photographs in Argentina... then dumped on the sand when they've had their fun

  • Dolphin was found on the beach before dying of suspected dehydration
  • La Plata dolphin can live to 20 years, but dehydrates quickly out of water
  • There are only around 30,000 examples thought to be left in the world
  • Dozens of people crowded round to stroke it on the Argentine beach resort.

Trophy: The young dolphin died of suspected dehydration after being paraded around like a trophy 
Dead: It's body was then left on the beach, as sunbathers continued to take pictures of the spectacle 
The La Plata dolphin - also known as the Franciscana dolphin can live to be twenty years old.
The last tragic images show the body, abandoned on the sand, as people continue to take pictures. 
The episode has caused the Wildlife Foundation in Argentina to emit a public reminder about the vulnerable species, which only present off the coast of Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil.
'The Franciscana, like other species, cannot remain for much time outside of the water, it has thick fatty skin which gives it heat and means that taking it out of the water rapidly causes it to dehydrate and die', they said.

'This occasion serves to inform the public about the urgent necessity to return these dolphins to the sea as soon as possible if they find them on the shore. It is fundamental that people help to rescue these animals, because every Franciscana counts now', they finished.
The Franciscana dolphin is listed as 'Vulnerable' in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (ICUN) Red List of Threatened Species. 
However, the Franciscana is of particular conservation concern because of its restricted distribution and vulnerability to incidental capture in fishing gear. There are only around 30,000 examples thought to be left in the world. 

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