lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

How to create your own dress style.

If you want to catch the eye of strangers and cultivate a striking presence when you walk into a room, you need to set yourself apart from the crowd. You can easily do this by creating your own style of dress. Creating your own unique style that reflects your individuality can be fun and easy.


  1. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 1
    Evaluate your closet. Go through what you already own and decide what you like. Pieces that you keep should have a fit that's flattering to your body, as well as an overall look that blends with your shape. Throw out or donate anything that fits poorly or that you're hesitant to wear out of the house. A good rule of the thumb is that if you haven't worn it for 6 months (barring seasonal items such as sweaters for winter or swimsuits for summer), get rid of it.
  2. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 2
    Pick out the elements that you like. On the clothes that you do keep, evaluate what exactly it is that makes you like to wear them - such as the cut, the sleeves, the embellishments, or the color. Write down a list of these elements and take it shopping with you later.
  3. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 3
    Look for inspiration. One way to foster and develop your own style is to find out what looks good on other people. Leaf through magazines or watch TV for trends that catch your eye. If people often compliment you on looking like a certain celebrity, search their name online and see what they wear to compliment their coloring and size. Alternatively, visit crowded places such as malls or downtown sidewalks. Observe what people are wearing, and take note of fashions you like.
    • Consider incorporating elements of subculture fashion into your wardrobe. Some subcultures promote unique fashions that reflect a certain lifestyle. You don't have to go all-out and adopt an extravagant, outlandish look based on a specific subculture, but you can look to them for inspiration. For instance, perhaps you like the bell-shaped skirts that gothic lolitas wear, or the flight jackets favored by skinheads. When you see something you like, small ways to bring some element of it into your wardrobe.
  4. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 4
    Ask for help. If you're having a hard time finding inspiration, or you worry about having bad taste, ask for an outside opinion. Contact a close friend or family member whose sense of style you admire, and ask him or her what might look good on you. Or, visit a department store or boutique that carries fashions you like and ask a salesperson to help you assemble a stylish look that's right for you.
    • Don't be afraid! It can be difficult to ask for help. Remember that most of your friends and family members will want you to feel as good as you can in your clothing. Also, most people who work at clothing stores love to help people find the right look and will be eager to help you.
  5. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 5
    Don't forget shoes. A new pair of shoes can add a different flair to your look. Look for something you can wear often and that fits with the general look you're trying to achieve.
  6. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 6
    Go shopping. When you've decided what you like, start shopping. You don't have to replenish your wardrobe all in one go - instead, consider shopping at small intervals, such as every few weeks, until you've assembled a closet you like. Visit thrift or consignment stores, malls, outlets, boutiques or department stores, or shop online.
    • Shop with a friend who is not afraid to offer gentle (but constructive) criticism with you while you shop. This way you, will get an honest opinion of your style.
    • Shop off-season. Ease some of the strain on your budget by shopping off-season. For instance, buy shorts and swimsuits in the fall, or sweaters in the spring.
  7. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 7
    Find a good tailor or seamstress (optional). Clothing sizes are designed to fit the masses, and therefore might not fit you as well as you'd like. If you find a piece you love but the fit is lacking, take it to a tailor or seamstress for alterations. Most everyday-wear fabrics can be altered fairly cheaply, and the price will be worth the confidence boost that comes with wearing clothes that fit well.
  8. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 8
    Accessorize. Punch up your regular look by adding a few interesting accessories. This can be as simple as buying clean laces for your shoes, or wearing a muted belt. If you really want to alter your look, try adding jewelry, scarves, hats or hair pieces.
    • Embellish what you already own. With a little sewing skill, you can add ribbons, beads, embroidery, clasps, appliqué or other notions to your clothes. Visit your local craft store for ideas and supplies.
  9. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 9
    Mix and match. Try pairing different pieces for a compelling, unique look. For instance, even if you didn't think your new tank would look good with your capris, try it out. Maybe all you need to pull the whole outfit together is that belt you haven't worn since last summer.
  10. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 10
    Change your hairstyle. True, your hairstyle isn't part of your clothing, but it can drastically alter how your clothing looks. Try styling your hair a different way in the morning, or see if a new shampoo or product helps it look better. If you're going to try a radically different cut or color, consult a stylist as to what might look best on you. Find images in magazines or online for inspiration, and take them to your appointment.
  11. Image titled Create Your Own Dress Style Step 11
    Be yourself. The most important thing about your new look should be that it makes you feel great. Creating a personal style is really just wearing what you want. Think more positively and be more constructive and expressive with your ideas and abilities.

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