domingo, 25 de octubre de 2015


Para que practiquéis el Present Continuous os dejamos aquí una serie de ejercicios:

1.- I _______(sing) my favourite song.
2.- ___ you ____(hide) from me?
3.- Susan _____(not run) at the moment.
4.- My aunt _____(look) for her keys.
5.- ___ he ____(play) football?
6.- I ______(finish) my homework.
7.- They ______(not watch) TV because they have to study.
8.- ___ we ____(dance) correctly?
9.- I ____(not write) well because the pencil isn't big enough.
10.- ___ you ___(understand) waht I ____(try) to tell you?

Aquí tenéis los ejercicios resueltos. ¡ESPERAMOS QUE LOS HAYÁIS HECHO BIEN!

1.- I am singing my favourite song.
2.- Are you hiding from me?
3.- Susan is not running at the moment.
4.- My aunt is looking for her keys.
5.- Is he playing football?
6.- I am finishing my homework.
7.- They are not watching TV because they have to study.
8.- Are we dancing correctly?
9.- I am not writing well because the pencil isn't big enough.
10.- Are you understanding what I am trying to tell you?

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