to shed | to shine | to shoot | to show | to shrink |
to shut | to sing | to sink | to sit | to slay |
Present | Past | P. Participle | Traducción |
shed (shed) |
shed (shed) |
shed (shed) |
derramar, mudar, echar |
shine (sháin) |
shone (shóun) |
shone (shóun) |
brillar, lustrar |
shoot (shúut) |
shot (shot) |
shot (shot) |
disparar, matar a tiros |
show (shóu) |
showed (shóud) |
shown (shóun) |
mostrar, exhibir |
shrink (shrink) |
shrank (shraank) |
shrunk (shrank) |
encoger/se, reducir/se |
shut (shat) |
shut (shat) |
shut (shat) |
cerrar |
sing (sing) |
sang (saang) |
sung (sang) |
cantar |
sink (sink) |
sank (saank) |
sunk (sank) |
hundir/se |
sit (sit) |
sat (sat) |
sat (sat) |
sentar/se |
slay (sléi) |
slew (slúu) |
slain (sléin) |
matar |
Present: | |
Past: | shed (shed) | |
Past Participle: | shed (shed) | |
Translation: | derramar, mudar, echar | |
Snakes shed their skin from time to time. Las serpientes mudan su piel de vez en cuando. |
My niece shed tears when she heard that her cat had died. Mi sobrina derramó lágrimas cuando ella oyó que su gato había muerto. |
At night the fishermen shed light on the water to catch crabs. Por la noche los pescadores echan luz en el agua para atrapar cangrejos. |
Present: | |
Past: | shone (shóun) | |
Past Participle: | shone (shóun) | |
Translation: | brillar, lustrar | |
The sun is shining so let’s go to the beach. El sol está brillando, entonces vayamos a la playa. |
In the morning sun, the stream shone like silver. En el sol de la mañana, el arroyo brillaba como la plata. |
At nightfall, the campers shone their flashlights around the dark forest. Al anochecer, los campistas alumbraron sus linternas por del bosque oscuro. |
Present: | |
Past: | shot (shot) | |
Past Participle: | shot (shot) | |
Translation: | disparar, matar a tiros | |
Please don’t shoot! Here, take my money and my car key. ¡Por favor no dispare! Aquí, tome mi dinero y la llave de mi coche. |
The man pulled out a gun and shot the stranger who had entered his house. El hombre sacó un arma y disparó un tiro al extraño que había entrado en su casa. |
It’s forbidden to shoot animals in these woods. Se prohíbe disparar a los animales en estos bosques. |
Present: | |
Past: | showed (shóud) | |
Past Participle: | shown (shóun) | |
Translation: | mostrar, exhibir | |
Oliver has shown his oil painting at an art gallery this year. Oliver ha exhibido su pintura al óleo en una galería de arte este año. |
I’m a beginner. Could you please show me how to hold the racket? Soy un principiante. ¿Podrías por favor mostrarme cómo sostener la raqueta? |
My nephew showed me the butterfly he kept inside a box. Mi sobrino me mostró la mariposa que él guardaba dentro de una caja. |
Present: | |
Past: | shrank (shraank) | |
Past Participle: | shrunk (shrank) | |
Translation: | encoger/se, reducir/se | |
If you wash a woolen sweater with hot water, it will shrink. Si lavas un suéter de lana con agua caliente, se encogerá. |
As the firm had shrunk, they decided to lay off personnel. Como la firma se había reducido, ellos decidieron despedir personal. |
Miraculously, her brain tumor shrank and finally disappeared. Milagrosamente, su tumor cerebral se redujo y finalmente desapareció. |
Present: | |
Past: | shut (shat) | |
Past Participle: | shut (shat) | |
Translation: | cerrar | |
Hardly had he walked in when he shut the door behind him. Apenas había entrado cuando cerró la puerta detrás de él. |
I had shut all the windows before I went to bed. Yo había cerrado todas las ventanas antes de que irme a la cama. |
The corner coffee shop shuts at midnight. La cafetería de la esquina cierra a la medianoche. |
Present: | |
Past: | sang (saang) | |
Past Participle: | sung (sang) | |
Translation: | cantar | |
At sunrise, birds sing outside my bedroom window. Al amanecer, las aves cantan fuera de la ventana de mi dormitorio. |
Frank Sinatra sang many songs during his lifetime. Frank Sinatra cantó muchas canciones durante su vida. |
I was singing in the shower when someone knocked on the door. Yo estaba cantando en la ducha cuando alguien llamó a la puerta. |
Present: | |
Past: | sank (saank) | |
Past Participle: | sunk (sank) | |
Translation: | hundir/se | |
The Titanic sank in 1912. El Titanic se hundió en 1912. |
The boat has sunk owing to its heavy cargo. El barco se ha hundido debido a su pesada carga. |
She sank into her favorite armchair to read his letter. Ella se hundió en su sillón favorito para leer su carta. |
Present: | |
Past: | sat (sat) | |
Past Participle: | sat (sat) | |
Translation: | sentar/se | |
In the waiting room, Mrs. Jackson sat on a chair and read a magazine. En la sala de espera, la Sra. El Jackson se sentó en una silla y leyó una revista. |
Excuse me. You may not sit here because this seat is reserved. Perdóneme — usted no puede sentarse aquí porque este asiento está reservado. |
We were sitting at the table when Robert arrived. Estábamos sentados a la mesa cuando llegó Robert. |
Present: | |
Past: | slew (slúu) | |
Past Participle: | slain (sléin) | |
Translation: | matar | |
The prince slew the dragon with a sword. El príncipe mató al dragón con una espada. |
Sadly, the hostages were slain by the kidnappers. Tristemente, los rehenes fueron asesinados por los secuestradores. |
The hijackers may slay all the crew on this plane. Los secuestradores podrían matar a toda la tripulación en este avión. |
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