to bind | to bite | to bleed | to blow | to break |
to breed | to bring | to broadcast | to build | to burn |
Present | Past | P. Participle | Traducción |
bind (báind) |
bound (báund) |
bound (báund) |
atar, unir, encuadernar |
bite (báit) |
bit (bit) |
bitten (bíten) |
morder, picar |
bleed (blíid) |
bled (bled) |
bled (bled) |
sangrar |
blow (blóu) |
blew (blú) |
blown (blown) |
soplar |
break (bréik) |
broke (bróuk) |
broken (bróuken) |
romper |
breed (bríid) |
bred (bred) |
bred (bred) |
criar, engendrar |
bring (bring) |
brought (brot) |
brought (brot) |
traer |
broadcast (brodkást) |
broadcast* (brodkást) |
broadcast* (brodkást) |
transmitir |
build (bild) |
built (bilt) |
built (bilt) |
construir |
burn (bern) |
burnt* (bernt) |
burnt* (bernt) |
quemar |
Present: | |
Past: | bound (báund) | |
Past Participle: | bound (báund) | |
Translation: | atar, unir, encuadernar | |
You can use this ribbon to bind the package. Puedes usar esta cinta para atar el paquete. |
I've got Shakespeare's Complete Works bound in leather. Tengo Las Obras Completas de Shakespeare encuadernadas en cuero. |
A strong culture has bound the Chinese people together for many years. Una fuerte cultura ha unido al pueblo chino por muchos años. |
Present: | |
Past: | bit (bit) | |
Past Participle: | bitten (bíten) | |
Translation: | morder, picar | |
When Jack is nervous, he bites his pencil. Cuando Jack está nervioso, él muerde su lápiz. |
My neighbor's dog bit Sally the other day. El perro de mi vecino mordío a Sally el otro día. |
During the picnic, we were bitten by mosquitoes. Durante el picnic, fuimos picados por los mosquitos. |
Present: |
Past: | bled (bled) | |
Past Participle: | bled (bled) | |
Translation: | sangrar | |
The boxer had a black eye and his nose was bleeding. El boxeador tenía un ojo morado y su nariz estaba sangrando. |
The injured dog bled to death on the roadside. El perro herido murió desangrado en el borde del camino. |
Bill could have bled to death if the he had not received help. Bill podría haber sangrado hasta morir si no hubiera recibido ayuda. |
Present: | |
Past: | blew (blú) | |
Past Participle: | blown (blown) | |
Translation: | soplar | |
A freezing wind is blowing from the south. Un viento glacial está soplando desde el sur. |
Billy blew the candles of his birthday cake. Billy sopló las velas de su torta de cumpleaños. |
That terrible windstorm had blown all the trees down. Aquella terrible tempestad había derribado todos los árboles. |
Present: | |
Past: | broke (bróuk) | |
Past Participle: | broken (bróuken) | |
Translation: | romper | |
Please handle this vase with care or else you'll break it. Por favor maneja este florero con cuidado o lo romperás. |
The kid fell off the tree and broke his arm. El niño cayó el árbol y se rompió el brazo. |
We can't use our microwave because it is broken. No podemos usar nuestro horno de microondas porque está roto. |
Present: | |
Past: | bred (bred) | |
Past Participle: | bred (bred) | |
Translation: | criar, engendrar | |
He has a ranch in Mexico where he breeds horses. Él tiene un rancho en México donde cría caballos. |
Those dogs were traditionally bred for protection. Aquellos perros fueron tradicionalmente criados para protección. |
The puppies that my dog has bred will be given away. Los cachorros que mi perro ha criado serán regalados. |
Present: | |
Past: | brought (brot) | |
Past Participle: | brought (brot) | |
Translation: | traer | |
Can you bring me the newspaper from the bedroom? ¿Puedes traerme el periódico del dormitorio? |
Astronauts brought back a piece of the moon. Los astronautas trajeron un pedazo de la luna. |
They ate all the food we had brought for the party. Ellos comieron todo la comida que habíamos traído para la fiesta. |
Present: | |
Past: | broadcast* (brodkást) | |
Past Participle: | broadcast* (brodkást) | |
Translation: | transmitir | |
Our TV always broadcasts the local celebrations. Nuestra televisión siempre transmite los festejos locales. |
The tennis match will be broadcast in the morning. El partido de tenis será transmitido por la mañana. |
CNN has broadcast a documentary on terrorism. La CNN ha transmitido un documental sobre el terrorismo. |
Present: | |
Past: | built (bilt) | |
Past Participle: | built (bilt) | |
Translation: | construir | |
The government plans to build new schools in this area. El gobierno planea construir nuevas escuelas en este área. |
The survivors built a raft and were able to get to the shore. Los sobrevivientes construyeron una balsa y pudieron llegar a la orilla. |
More and more hotels are built for tourists in this region. Cada vez más hoteles para turistas son construidos en esta región. |
Present: | |
Past: | burnt* (bernt) | |
Past Participle: | burnt* (bernt) | |
Translation: | quemar | |
Many people exercise to burn calories. Muchas personas hacen ejercicio para quemar calorías. |
Susan burnt all the letters her boyfriend had written to her. Susan quemó todas las cartas que su novio le había escrito. |
The historical building was burnt to ashes by vandals. El edificio histórico fue quemado a cenizas por vándalos. |
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