to dwell | to eat | to fall | to feed | to feel |
to fight | to find | to fit | to flee | to fling |
Present | Past | P. Participle | Traducción |
dwell (duél) |
dwelt (duélt) |
dwelt (duélt) |
habitar, morar |
eat (íit) |
ate (éit) |
eaten (íiten) |
comer |
fall (fol) |
fell (fel) |
fallen (fólen) |
caer, caerse |
feed (fíid) |
fed (fed) |
fed (fed) |
alimentar/se, dar de comer |
feel (fíil) |
felt (felt) |
felt (felt) |
sentir/se, palpar, tocar |
fight (fáit) |
fought (fot) |
fought (fot) |
pelear, combatir |
find (fáund) |
found (fáund) |
found (fáund) |
encontrar |
fit (fit) |
fit* (fit) |
fit* (fit) |
encajar, quedar bien, instalar |
flee (flíi) |
fled (fled) |
fled (fled) |
huir, huir de |
fling (fling) |
flung (flang) |
flung (flang) |
echar, arrojar |
Present: | |
Past: | dwelt (duélt) | |
Past Participle: | dwelt (duélt) | |
Translation: | habitar, morar | |
That family used to dwell in a cottage beyond the river. Esa familia solía morar en una casita de campo más allá del río. |
When he was a boy, he dwelt with Alaskan Indians. Cuando él era un muchacho, moró con indios de Alaska. |
Prehistoric man dwelt in caves. El hombre prehistórico moraba en cuevas. |
Present: | |
Past: | ate (éit) | |
Past Participle: | eaten (íiten) | |
Translation: | comer | |
Laura is a vegetarian so she doesn't eat meat. Laura es una vegetariana entonces ella no come la carne. |
I was so hungry that I ate everything I found in the fridge. Yo estaba tan hambriento que comí todo que encontré en la nevera. |
We've eaten so much that we won't have dinner. Hemos comido tanto que no cenaremos. |
Present: | |
Past: | fell (fel) | |
Past Participle: | fallen (fólen) | |
Translation: | caer, caerse | |
The kid fell down and broke his leg. El niño se cayó y rompió la pierna. |
With the coming of autumn, leaves are starting to fall. Con la llegada del otoño, las hojas están comenzando a caerse. |
The temperature has fallen sharply. La temperatura ha caído bruscamente. |
Present: | |
Past: | fed (fed) | |
Past Participle: | fed (fed) | |
Translation: | alimentar/se, dar de comer | |
I haven't fed the cat yet. No he alimentado al gato aún. |
My baby is too young to feed himself. Mi bebé es demasiado joven para alimentarse solo. |
The farmer fed the horses before going out to the field. El agricultor alimentó a los caballos antes de salir al campo. |
Present: | |
Past: | felt (felt) | |
Past Participle: | felt (felt) | |
Translation: | sentir/se, palpar, tocar | |
If you take some aspirin, you'll feel better. Si te tomas alguna aspirina, te sentirás mejor. |
Susan felt very sad when her cat died. Susan se sintió muy triste cuando murió su gato. |
Feel this feather pillow! It's really soft. ¡Palpe esta almohada de pluma! Es realmente suave. |
Present: | |
Past: | fought (fot) | |
Past Participle: | fought (fot) | |
Translation: | pelear, combatir | |
Two of my classmates are always fighting. Dos de mis compañeros de clase siempre luchan. |
My grandfather fought in World War II. Mi abuelo luchó en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. |
Steps should be taken to fight poverty. Las medidas deberían ser tomadas para luchar contra la pobreza. |
Present: | |
Past: | found (fáund) | |
Past Participle: | found (fáund) | |
Translation: | encontrar | |
I can't find my wallet. Have you seen it? No puedo encontrar mi cartera. ¿La has visto? |
A dead whale was found on the shore. Una ballena muerta fue encontrada en la orilla. |
Have you found your glasses? ¿Has encontrado tus gafas? |
Present: | |
Past: | fit* (fit) | |
Past Participle: | fit* (fit) | |
Translation: | encajar, quedar bien, instalar | |
David tried the blue suit on, but it didn't fit him. David se probó el traje azul, pero esto no le quedó bien. |
This key doesn't fit the lock. Esta llave no encaja en la cerradura. |
All the rooms in this company are fitted with sprinklers. Todos los cuartos en esta compañía están instalados con aspersores. |
Present: | |
Past: | fled (fled) | |
Past Participle: | fled (fled) | |
Translation: | huir, huir de | |
The Jacksons fled to the U.S. when the war broke out. Los Jackson huyeron a los Estados Unidos cuando la estalló la guerra. |
When the police arrived, the driver had already fled the scene of the accident. Cuando llegó la policía, el conductor ya había huido de la escena del accidente. |
The fugitive was caught by border guards while trying to flee the country. El fugitivo fue agarrado por guardias fronterizos cuanto estaba tratando de huir del país. |
Present: | |||||||
Past: | flung (flang) | |||||||
Past Participle: | flung (flang) | |||||||
Translation: | echar, arrojar | |||||||
As Peter arrives from work, he always flings his overcoat onto the sofa. Cuando Peter llega del trabajo, siempre arroja su sobretodo en el sofá. |
The kids flung themselves onto the bed and turned on the TV. Los niños se arrojaron en la cama y encendieron la TV. |
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