domingo, 10 de abril de 2016

Confusing words: job,work,career,employment.

“Work” and “job” are two words that have similar yet different meanings.
A job refers to a specific role/position. Work refers to activities/effort. In another sense “work” can mean the place/company where your job is located.
  • I’m looking for a new job. = I’m looking for a new position.
  • I’m busy – I have a lot of work.

apply for a job
I’ve applied for several jobs without success.
get a job
Andy got a holiday job at a factory in Bristol.
find a job
Emma finally found a job in a bakery.
offer someone a job
My son has been offered a job in Tokyo.

“Work” is a general term that refers to all activities that one does while “job” is more specific.
  • I’m busy – I have a lot of work. 
  • I start work at 8 o’clock every morning.
  • I go to work by bus.
  • I know you’ve got a lot of work to do.
  • I started work when I was sixteen.

Career - a job or series of related jobs that you do, especially a profession that you spend a lot of your working life in.
career in
A career in computer science.
career as
He has just started out on a career as a photographer.
launch a/your etc career
The 25-year-old actress is now launching her career over here.

Employment means you are being regularly paid by a person or organization for ongoing work. A job is more likely to be short term while employment is usually expected to last longer

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